About us

We deal in :-

- Crockery (Tata Ceramic, Bharat (Bone china and Porcelain), Stoneware, Acrylic)

- Platter : With more than 100 different platters on display we give you a wide variety to choose from so that your dish not only look presentable but also attractive.

- Buffet Display : We provide variety of raisers and blocks for making the buffet more attractive and  useful.

- Cutlery (FnS, Kishko, Venus, Awkinox etc)

- Glassware (Ocean, Bormiolli, Borgonovo, Local glassware)

- Heavy equipments ( Grinders, deep fryers, cooking range, bhatti , fast food equipments, Grillers, Tandoors, Barbeques, Bain-maries, Work tables etc)

- Chafing dishes (Mecinox,venus,FnS, Anupam etc)

- Knives (Rena, Victorinox, Cartini)

- Cleaning equipments (disc machines, Industrial vacuum cleaners, Air curtains etc)

- Signages and Display stands

Platters, Plastic crates, Hotel uniforms, Hand dryer, cookware and various other items.